One-Way Evangelistic Ministries: Code of Ethics

Thank you for your interest in serving with One-Way.
This form is required in addition to your application.
If you have questions, please contact Kathy at (307)575-3093

Desiring to serve with or be employed by One-Way Evangelistic Ministries, I will: 

  • Treat everyone with respect, loyalty, patience, integrity, courtesy, dignity and consideration.

  • Use positive reinforcement rather than criticism, competition or comparison when working with fellow missionaries, volunteers and those being ministered to.

  • Cooperate willingly and enthusiastically with fellow workers, carrying out to the best of my abilities instructions I receive from those in charge.

  • Serve as a Godly role model. 

  • Be submissive to the leadership God has provided: OWEM Director and/or his designee and the Board of Directors.

  • Be responsible for my personal finances, including insurance coverage. 

  • Maintain a vital relationship with the Lord.

  • Exhibit the heart and mind of a Godly servant remembering that Jesus said, “… not to be served, but to serve...” 

  • Adamantly adhere to the laws of the country where ministering and serving. 

And I will NOT: 

  • Smoke or use tobacco products. 

  • Use, possess, or be under the influence of alcohol.

  • Use, possess, or be under the influence of any type of illegal drug at any time. 

  • Knowingly pose any health risk, such as fever or contagious illness to others.

  • Use profanity. 

  • Humiliate, ridicule, threaten, degrade or make derogatory statements about a member of any One-Way Evangelistic Ministries team, or about OWEM as an organization.

  • Remove or damage OWEM property, supplies or equipment without the consent of the Executive Director. 

  • Harass another OWEM member, volunteer or anyone else God brings across my path. This includes but is not limited to sexual harassment and harassment related to race, color, religion, creed, age, sex, disability, national origin or ancestry or veteran statue.

I fully understand that if I do not adhere to this Code of Ethics I can be sent back to my home, my place of origin, at my expense.

Please select all that apply.


Thank you for your interest in serving with One-Way.
This form is required in addition to your application.
If you have questions, please contact Kathy at (307)575-3093